
Mykola Dmytrovych Leontovych


Mykola Dmytrovych Leontovych was a Ukrainian composer, choral conductor, and teacher of international renown. His music was inspired by Mykola Lysenko and the Ukrainian National Music School. Leontovych specialised in a cappella choral music, ranging from original compositions, to church music, to elaborate arrangements of folk music.
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You may also find sheet music by Leontovych on Sheet Music Plus.


Andere namen

be:Мікалай Леантовіч, cs:Mykola Leontovyč, de:Mykola Leontowytsch, es:Mykola Leontovych, fr:Mykola Leontovych, hr:Mikola Leontovič, it:Mykola Leontovyč, lt:Mykola Leontovyčius, pl:Mykoła Leontowycz, rue:Микола Леонтович, ru:Леонтович, Николай Дмитриевич, uk:Леонтович Микола Дмитрович