Cecil Frances Humphreys Alexander
2 gevonden stukken
Resultaten 1 - 2
- Once in Royal David's City
Four part This is a transcription from Rev. Richard R. Chope, Carols For Use In Church (London: William Clowes & Sons, 1894). For a scan of the original, including a detailed dynamics scheme, visit http://ww...
- Componist
- Henry John Gauntlett
- Instrumenten
- Stem, SATB
- Once in Royal David's City
Vocal line Once in Royal David's City is een traditionele Engelse christmas carol, op tekst van de Ierse dichteres Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-1895) en op muziek van Henry John Gauntlett. De tekst van dit kers...
- Componist
- Henry John Gauntlett
- Instrumenten
- Stem